“Thank you for bringing art at lunch to my school”
Amir, age 6
What we are
An environmentally minded organization providing a program mash-up between reusing and recycling for art and curriculum use to school campuses. Coupled with student involvement and stewardship, the reuse of everyday campus cast-offs get a second chance with endless possibilities.
Our Mission
To provide creative outlets and environmental awareness to school campus communities by establishing and building reuse habits and sensibilities that spark creativity while developing a deeper investment in the reusable resources they already have around them.
Our Vision
Our belief that sustainable practices support creativity, efficiency, thought-expansion and leadership to students, teachers, and administrators when applied and is a perfect fit for all schools-everywhere.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing in nature is exhausted in its first use.”
About US
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS was inspired by CReATE STUDIO and it’s artistic reuse of everyday materials for creativity through hands-on exploration.
Through the studio Jemma Wildermuth, CReATE’s owner saw the the connection to creativity kids expressed through the reuse of everyday things with seemingly limitless imagination. Having school age children herself she tracked her kids campus and saw the same potential for creative reuse on campuses through their post use materials.
C.O.Y.C. was piloted in 2012 as a strategic creative reuse program.
Since then we have developed a customized system series for collection, reorganization and redistribution to fostered campus-wide reuses of materials as supplies for creative exploration, once thought to be waste.
C.O.Y.C. embraces the principals of the Girl Scout motto: “Use Resources Wisely.” When we look around and think outside the box while unpacking supply deliveries or sorting junk mail, we see materials that are great candidates for re-use in K-12th grade artistic and curriculum-based projects.
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS promotes self-reliance, self-expression and curious learning in economical and ecological ways, while connecting to Common Core Standards. After grasping the meaning of a concept taught in the classroom, each child can then use the campus resources to further demonstrate his/her understanding in unique ways. Curriculum becomes intertwined with project-based and hands-on learning.
C.O.Y.C. originates in Southern California, yet it is suitable for schools and organizations throughout the United States. School enrichment programs, before- and after-care organizations, Parks & Recreation Departments, The YMCA organization, and Boys & Girls Clubs can all participate in the C.O.Y.C. program.
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS Board of Directors
Get to know our committed board members.
Roanna Battocchio- V.P. Outreach
Michelle Garcia-V.P. Media
Brenda Myers- Board Secretary
Trish Kellogg- V.P. Environmental Concerns
Jemma Wildermuth- Founder & President
Get to know our Members at Large
Vicki Gelberg
View our Current Board Meeting Agenda
CReATE STUDIO is a wonderfully unique “do-it-your way” mobile art studio that offers an artistic mash-up between recycling and art to bring hands-on creativity to all ages through the reuse of everyday things.
STUDIO owner, Jemma Wildermuth, is the Founder of CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS.
To learn more about the studio, visit createstudiofun.com.
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS is a 501(c)3 Organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Copyright © 2014 – 2024 CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS, INC. All Rights Reserved.