We get inquiries about our organization and what we do.
Below we have provided a Q & A for our frequently asked questions.
How does CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS connect schools with reusable campus resources?
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS (C.O.Y.C.) connects K-12 schools to their reusable resources by implementing the four R’s: Reduce, Reorganize, Reuse, and Recycle. By using our collection system, schools reorganize materials once thought of as trash. These items can be reused in both artistic and curriculum-based projects, thereby reducing campus waste and school costs.
Can you give me some examples of “reusable campus resources”?
Manila folders, game pieces, incomplete puzzles, outdated manipulative’s, paper scraps, newspapers, expired markers, and unused party supplies are just a few materials that give students a resource for developing ideas and expanding creative possibilities. Here is a list of other possible reusable campus resources.
How are these resources redistributed and repurposed?
A C.O.Y.C. Representative will work with your school community to tailor our collection system to your specific campus. Once the system is in place to collect your campus’ reusable materials, the materials become available campus wide for all grade levels to use in classroom projects, artistic creations and/or think-tank style exploration. Working with a C.O.Y.C. representative, our system of campus collections is organized by the school community. The materials collected are sorted and become available campus-wide for all grade levels to use in classroom projects, art creations, and/or exploration.
We recommend keeping the materials for reuse specifically to campus found materials to expand the focus, awareness and possibilities with the materials already around them, yet never considered before such as cardboard lunch trays, shredded paper, die cut paper shapes and more! The more they use the materials they know from their campus, the more materials they will notice for use!
My school hasn’t yet implemented C.O.Y.C. We have an overabundance of mylar wrapping from our recent cookie sales. What should we do with it?
A campus may have an overabundance of a material, which C.O.Y.C. can help redistribute and share with other campuses. You can send us an email if you have items to share at [email protected]
How does sustainability support efficiency and thought-expansion for students, teachers, and administrators on participating campuses?
Sustainability and resourcefulness are habits that benefit everyone. The challenge of taking something that we once viewed as trash and seeing more possibilities, more options, more potential outcomes for that item, helps us learn to problem solve and critically think about our resources. A tissue box is a blank slate that can become a picture frame, a bird house, a spaceship, or anything else a child can imagine. It is important for all of us to connect and become aware of what we have around us and how we use supplies. Perhaps more importantly, is for us to learn how we could reuse those supplies. We inherently become more efficient as we practice this habit.
Why should I bring C.O.Y.C. to my campus?
Our goal is to promote self-expression and learning concepts in economical and ecological ways, while helping schools build a more mindful character among their students, teachers, and staff.
What is the difference between C.O.Y.C. and the Maker Movement?
The foundation of both is creativity; they support each other. The trial-and-error exploration with C.O.Y.C.’s no-cost materials provides practice with Making. What does “eco-art” refer to? “Eco-art” refers to an environmentally-minded approach to artistic expression, through the reuse of everyday materials like cardboard, plastic, paper, etc.
How does CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS support Common Core Standards?
Campuses fostering our re-use program gain enriched innovative thinking and problem-solving skills which are in line with California’s integrated Common Core Standards.
What areas do you serve?
Our program currently serves the Conejo Valley area with K-12 Schools in Westlake Village, Oak Park, Thousand Oaks, and Newbury Park.
Is CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS a non-profit organization?
Yes! CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS is a 501(c)3 Organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS is a 501(c)3 Organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
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