Try This!

Got old school banners? They make a unique reuse material and can be easily cut into just about any shape to be just the right fit for a project. Our idea? Cut them into tiny bits and use them to make mosaic art! All you need is the vinyl banner bits, some paper and glue! Watch the creativity flow!

Eco fun in our community

We’re having fun this weekend hosting booths at Acacia, EARTHS and MATES Elementary schools. We’re providing free eco art fun by turning unwanted bottles into wacky halloween lanterns and making recy led flower headbands in the name of creative expression and the environment. Wacky fact: these bottles were purchased by a company for their lids only. Not the bottles that go with them.


Spotlighting yarn this month we wanted to know how yarn is made? We found a cool link on Made How where we got the scoop about how wool, silk, cotton, polyester and other fibers become yarn. It’s all In the twist!