
Are you done with your boxes? Games missing pieces? Don’t cast them off! Reuse them! We love boxes for so many reuse possibilities that card great for no pun intended, out-of-the-box thinking. In their original state boxes like these make great structural works or cut into pieces they can become just about anything else! The sky is the limit when it comes to creative possibilities.

Fun and Games

This tear sheet from a vintage -ish @familyfunmag has triple appeal for us. 1.We love the suggested idea of creative family games- cut slits in cards to make your own house of cards game.  2. This idea naturally converts to a “creating at home” idea for us! Grab an old deck of cards from around the house that is OK to alter and snip double slits around all four sides of each card  about 1/2 inch deel then, interlock cards as you wish.  3. Surely there are decks of cards floating around school campuses and that’s where our non-profit, CReATE ON YOUR CAMPUS comes in, to bring recycling habits  for reuse it in new ways  like taking old playing cards like this and making up something new for collaborative building in classrooms. A super fun learning tool that doesn’t cost a thing.


This is what we love and what we aim in our non-profits mission, to facilitate opportunities for re-use materials to help students bring their big ideas to life in super resourceful ways.